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Maltese Surnames.


De Guevara or Deguara of Spanish descent and Nobility descendants of the Navarre , Aragon, and Castille kings, ancestry can be trace to Navarre , Aragon, and Castille kings, ancestry can be trace to  Charlemagne.

The de Guevara , were quite noble , they came from Castile  Spain when the Castilians were rulers of the islands of Malta and Sicily. The de Guevara were counts of Ribadeo, with the surname of d'Avalos. The surname came when Ruy Lopez d'Avalos, count of Ribadeo married the heiress Elvira de Guevara, daughter of Pedro velez de Guevara, 11th lord of Onate. The marriage was in 1395.The first de Guevara was a Don. Diego de Guevara . His sons were Inigo de Guevara, Marquis del Vasto. Count di Ariano, lived in Sicily and Naples. The other son was in Malta. Giovanni de Guevara, Baron di Ghajn Tuffieha, Gnien-il-Firen and Gattara died 1474. A well to do family. Of course , many illegimate offsprings which the Deguara's are from. The ancestry is quite royal, related to all the early Spanish royalty and nobility. Also a descendant of "El Cid" a hero to Spain.

The ancestry goes back to the 3rd century without a doubt. Most famous ancester is of course Charlemagne , emperor of the Franks, 1st Holy Roman Emperor in the 9th Century.

Most of the nobilty in Southern Italy and Malta are a descendant of this connection. Also, modern day royalty are also descendants from this famous connection.


The surname Zahra is derived from "zahar": orange blossoms in the early stages or better still, oranges still in the form of a flower.
In fact, the emblem usually depicts an orange tree against a blue background.


Derived from 'a person who looks after a castle'.  Cassar comes from the Maltese word Qassar, since the 'q' in old Maltese was similiarly pronounced as a 'k', especially even lately in the Cottonera areas.


Probably of Maltese origin. Some say that it comes from the Maltese   word Fenek for Rabbit. Yet, some believe that Fenech comes from the Maltese word Fenici (Phoenicians).


Probably of Southern Italy origin coming to Malta circa 1550. It is beleived that Aquilina is derived from the Italian Aquila (for Eagle) because of the eagle's keen sight or its majestic bearing.